Analysis and Control of Electric Drives is a practical and comprehensive text that offers a clear understanding of electric drives and their industrial applications in the real-world including electric vehicles and wind turbines. The authors—noted experts on the topic—review the basic knowledge needed to understand electric drives and include the pertinent material that examines DC and AC machines in steady state using a unique physics-based approach. The book also analyzes electric machine operation under dynamic conditions, assisted by Space Vectors.
The book is filled with illustrative examples and includes information on electric machines with Interior Permanent Magnets. To enhance learning, the book contains end-of-chapter problems and all topics covered use computer simulations with MATLAB Simulink® and Sciamble® Workbench software that is available free online for educational purposes. This important book:
Written for undergraduate and graduate students, Analysis and Control of Electric Drives is an essential guide to understanding electric vehicles, wind turbines, and increased efficiency of motor-driven systems.